Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Great Fake-Out

I'm content with my Nalgene and Sigg water bottles, but I just wanted to share these wittily designed drinking devices:

Yeah, remember those "I am not a plastic bag" totes (that got a little old, I think)? This porcelain cup is a similar but funny take on the disposable coffee cup.

These bottles eerily resemble Aquafina or Arrowhead bottles, but they're actually made out of glass. Neat and a (glass) half (full).


Tru said...

fun though carrying around a porcelin cup could be annoying

Grace said...

tru, it would definitely be annoying. perhaps the cup is more ideal for a relaxed morning?

Wendy said...

I love the little coffee cup! I got fooled at first glance.

Kseniya said...

lol cool. i'd love one of those.x

Anonymous said...

how unbelievably cute is that mug? I´ve got a starbucks one but this is beyond perfect!

LDF said...

The coffee thing is amazing but I'm assuming that the lid just kind of rests on top....I'd break that in a red hot minute!