Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Week Unzipped

Can you believe it's March 23 already? This week:

+ According to a poll conducted by the British department store Debenham's, the number one fashion invention is the Wonderbra. While I don't think that specifically the Wonderbra is the number fashion invention, I do think that bras in general are pretty helpful. What do you think?

+ Apparently clothing company Edoc is producing a line of t-shirts based on a mystery story. Pricey but still a cool idea.

+ Ali Michael, how old are you? I'm pretty sure she's shy of being eighteen, but wowee zowee, check out this month's Italian Vogue editorial. She really is gorgeous.

+ "It's not what you know, it's WHO you know." Unfortunately, it's pretty true stuff, especially in the fashion industry.

+ Check out's top ten new designers.

+ Any Kevin Devine fans out there? Check out this off-topic, but still amusing video of him dressed up as an Easter Mogwai. Happy Easter! :)
KD: Easter Mogwai

1 comment:

hannah said...

i love that ali editorial. she looks great.